End Complicity with Israel’s Violations of Palestinian Rights

Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza and apartheid across Palestine have caused immense suffering and displacement



We work for a world where all people have a safe
place to live in peace and dignity

Housing & Land Rights

Social Production of Habitat

Habitat and Gender

Habitat and Sustainable enviroment

Housing & Land Rights

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Social Production of Habitat

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Habitat and Gender

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Habitat and Sustainable enviroment

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Our focus areas


Honoring the Life and Legacy of Yves Cabannes

Honoring the Life and Legacy of Yves Cabannes

Emeritus Professor of Development Planning at University College London It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Yves Cabannes, a visionary urban planner, passionate activist, and cherished [...]


Honoring the Life and Legacy of Yves Cabannes

Honoring the Life and Legacy of Yves Cabannes

Emeritus Professor of Development Planning at University College London It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Yves Cabannes, a visionary urban planner, passionate activist, and cherished [...]

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Our work


Through advocating, independently or in co-operation, with other civil society entities, grassroots and popular organizations, social movements, independent institutions, academic networks, and activist platforms, HIC works to achieve social justice and improve living conditions across its four strategic priorities:

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HIC co-learning spaces are cross-regional, multi-session encounters open to all HIC Members, Friends and allies to generate and multiply emancipatory learning practices applied on the defense of human rights related to habitat.

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Want to collaborate?

HIC brings together organizations and individuals that share the commitment to human rights related to habitat

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